Holiday Inn - Elstree

Michels & Taylor


Hotel & Leisure





Services Provided

Fire Compartmentation Survey & Fire Stopping Remedials

Service Overview

Following instruction from our client, Element PFP were tasked with completion of all passive fire remedial works to be carried out in line with their refurbishment program, of which included all new penetrations being made from their ongoing refurbishment works. We also carried out fire compartmentation survey across the building, inspecting all rooms and lounges and creating a detailed survey report.

Project Particulars

  • Fire Compartmentation Survey
  • IFC Accredited Firestopping – Service Penetration Remedials

Challenges Faced

Conducting fire stopping surveys at a Holiday Inn presents a unique set of challenges. Hotels are typically occupied 24/7, requiring careful scheduling to minimize disruption to guests and Element PFP overcame this with careful planning and excellent communication between our team and the clients. Also, hotels often have a mix of older and newer construction, which can present unique challenges for fire stopping. Our certified survey team are specially trained to carry out surveys to great detail across all sectors and building types.

Outside of Holiday Inn Elstree
holiday inn elstree with installed fire protection
holiday inn elstree passive fire services

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